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244th -- The Bible


The Word of God is a precious gift that God has given to this world. It
is God's instruction manual, wisdom giver, direction pointer, and it holds
within its pages by divine wisdom this world's future. If you haven't been
reading your Bible lately, I encourage you to get your mind into reading 
and meditating on its genius regularly. Your life will change when you 
keep God's Word continually coming into your mind and putting into practice
in your daily life what is written therein. (John 1:1-4) (Proverbs 4:1-13)

This is a great message that shares what the Holy Bible holds throughout 
its timeless pages. I hope this message inspires you and challenges you to
make reading the Bible a daily part of your life.


The Bible is like a magnificent palace constructed of precious oriental
stone, comprising 66 stately chambers. Each one of these chambers is
different from the others, and is perfect in its individual beauty, while
together they form an edifice incomparably majestic, glorious, and sublime.

In the Book of Genesis we enter the grand Vestibule where we're immediately
introduced to the records of the mighty work of God in creation. This
Vestibule gives access to the Law Courts, passing through which we come to
the Picture Gallery of the historical books. Here we find hung upon the 
walls scenes of battles, heroic deeds and portraits of valiant men of God.
Beyond the Picture Gallery we find the Philosophers Chamber - the Book of
Job - passing through which we enter the Music Room - the Book of Psalms -
and here we linger, thrilled by the grandest harmonies that ever fell on 
human ears.

Then we come to the Business Office - the Book of Proverbs - in the very 
center of which stands the motto, "Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin
is a reproach to any people." Leaving the Business Office, we pass into
the Research Department - the Book of Ecclesiastes - and thence into the
Conservatory - the Song of Solomon - where greet us the fragrant aromas of
choicest flowers, fruits, and the sweet singing of birds. We then reach the
Observatory where the Prophets with their powerful telescopes are looking
for the appearing of the "Bright and Morning Star," prior to the dawning of
the "Sun of Righteousness."

Crossing the courtyard, we come to the Audience Chamber of the King - the
Gospels - where we find four life-like portraits of the King Himself, 
revealing the perfections of His infinite beauty. Next we enter the 
Workroom of the Holy Spirit - the Acts of the Apostles - and beyond that 
the Correspondence Room - the Epistles - where we see Paul and Peter, 
James, John, and Jude busy at their tables under the direction of the 
Spirit of Truth.

Finally we enter the Throne Room - the Book of Revelation - where we are 
enrapt by the mighty volume of adoration and praise which is ever addressed
to the enthroned King, and which fills the vast Chamber; while in the 
adjacent Galleries and Judgment Hall there are portrayed solemn scenes of
judgment and wondrous scenes of glory associated with the coming and 
manifestation of the Son of God as King of Kings and Lord or Lords.

Author Unknown

The Holy Bible is unlike any other book ever written because this special
Book is alive and has the power to encourage you, inspire you, teach you,
and direct your life's path. Never allow the voice of discouragement to 
tell you that reading the Bible has no benefits. The Bible is our only 
source other than the presence of the Holy Spirit that can truly calm our
fears and comfort our hearts.

I encourage you to make a scheduled time each day to read your Bible and 
receive the wisdom and encouragement that it bestows. If you prefer, you
can read the Bible online. There is a great Website that has the Holy Bible
not only in many different versions so you can understand the scriptures
easily, but this Website also offers the Holy Bible in many different
languages. If English isn't your first language, you can read the Bible 
in your native language. Read God's Word continually and receive every 
blessing that is bestowed within its pages. 

Click here to visit the Bible Gateway -- http://www.Biblegateway.com

Read and meditate on these scriptures:

Proverbs 4:20-22 "My son, give attention to my words; Incline your ear to
my sayings. Do not let them depart from your eyes; Keep them in the midst
of your heart; For they are life to those who find them, And health to all
their flesh."

Joshua 1:8-9 "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but 
you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do 
according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way 
prosperous, and then you will have good success. Have I not commanded you?
Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the
LORD your God is with you wherever you go."

Psalm 119:160-165 "The entirety of Your Word is truth, And every one of
Your righteous judgments endures forever. Princes persecute me without a
cause, But my heart stands in awe of Your word. I rejoice at Your word As
one who finds great treasure. I hate and abhor lying, But I love Your law.
Seven times a day I praise You, Because of Your righteous judgments. Great
peace have those who love Your law, And nothing causes them to stumble."

All scriptures can be found in the New King James Version Bible.

Today's Selected Poem: JESUS AND ME
Click here to read --- http://www.Godswork.org/enpoem169.htm

Today's Selected Testimony: OUT OF DARKNESS
Click here to read --- http://www.Godswork.org/testimony103.htm

In Christ's Service, 

Dwayne Savaya 
Gods Work Ministry 


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