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Tommy's Testimony


I live in Miami, Florida and was raised as a Christian. However, as I grew 
older, I fell by the wayside. I started drinking heavily, staying out late, 
and being a promiscuous person, to name a few things. As I was doing this, I 
noticed my life was getting closer and closer to being in shambles, and I was 
going out of my mind. I am a very quick-triggered temper person who never 
shrank away from the opportunity to blow off steam in a fight, so you can 
imagine how I must've felt. Because of this anger, I was forced to "job-hop" 
in different restaurants, got expelled from college, and my marriage 
evaporated. But all was not lost..... 

Recently, after a chance meeting with Pastor Bill Welzien in Key West, I 
decided to re-dedicate myself to the Lord. Pastor Bill's message that 
evening brought back all the things I had learned growing up, and I felt that 
something had been missing in my life up to that point and this was it. Me 
and Pastor Bill constantly talked via e-mail and America Online Instant 
Messaging, and he even recommended a church just like his in the Miami area. 

At that point, I decided to go back to school, and look for better employment 
aka typical 9-5 jobs instead of the restaurant industry which I currently 
work in. Again, I started being the quick-trigger tempered person, as I 
spent two months dropping my resume all over the city, and all I got was 
rejection notices in the mail. I was constantly getting uptight, frustrated, 
and depressed. Then, on this very day I spoke to Pastor Bill online again 
and told him exactly what was going on. He asked if I had been praying about 
this matter. When I answered, "Not really," he told me certain Bible 
Scriptures to refer to: Matthew 6:33, Proverbs 3:5-6, and Psalm 37:3-5. 
Then he said to me, "We tend to think we are self-sufficient, or will be 
soon, and in the process, we tend to forget that God exists. That itself is 
a Satanic Delusion. God must come first in ANY aspect of your life. Now it 
is up to you to give this over to him." 

I signed off on my computer thinking a lot of what Pastor Bill had said. One 
hour later, Lo and behold! I get a call from a recruiter at Bank Of America. 
He scheduled me for a phone interview Monday Morning. 

Immediately after getting off the phone with the recruiter, I ran to my 
bedroom, dropped to my knees, and began to pray. I gave thanks for the 
example that was just revealed to me, and for the opportunity to land a good 
job. I also asked God to convert this opportunity into a reality, and that 
whenever I start to think I'm self-sufficient and "can do this on my own", to 
remind me that all things are possible with faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. 

It is a shame for me to admit I had neglected what was taught to me as a 
child, but admitting that is the first step in re-dedicating my life to the 
Lord. The second step is to not slack off while serving the Lord, because as 
the Bible says, "The Devil prowls around like a hungry, roaring lion looking 
for a weak animal to devour." I also would like to encourage everyone to 
pray and read the Bible on a regular basis, not just when you feel like it. 
In order to have a relationship with the Lord, one must recognize He is there, 
at all times. 

Read and meditate on these Scriptures: 

Matthew 6:33 "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness. And 
all these things will be added unto you." 

Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on 
your own understanding. Acknowledge him in all of your ways and he will make 
your paths straight" 

Psalms 37:3-5 "Trust in the Lord and do good. Dwell in His land and enjoy 
safe pasture. Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires 
of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord. Trust in Him and He will do 

All scriptures can be found in the New International Version. 

In Christ's Service, 

Thomas Shand 


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